What is this**?**

This is the new FRC Team 1410 and FTC Team 17153 Branding Standards document! Well, website…

But, essentially this is where you can find the standards, the files, and other resources for anything Kraken or Squid Squad Branding. This is ever-evolving.

How can I use this?

For people on 1410: feel free to download anything as needed, and make sure to get approval from mentors and the business lead before publishing anything. Please be respectful of the resources and follow the standards.

For people in the greater FIRST Community: I created this as a resource for the members of FRC 1410 and FTC 17153, but I also wanted this to be a reference for those looking into design work to show all aspects of what you might need to do design. This resource includes a lot of information on file formats, color types, and how to work with vector graphics and Adobe products. Please use this as a reference but only download content if you've received permission from a 1410 mentor unless labeled otherwise.

Why should I trust you**?**

Howdy, I’m Josh. I’ve been the FRC Team 1410 marketing lead for the past 3 years and I've also done design work for New Balance, COP27, the San Francisco 49ers, the Oakland Raiders, the New England Patriots, Sketcher’s, and the Audubon Institute. I also have done extensive work analyzing both physical and digital processing of color, due in part to being colorblind.

What can I learn about?

Color and Color Processing


Files and File types

Files (Under Construction)

Fonts and Font Structures


Programs and Tutorials

Programs and Tutorials (Under Construction)

One last section that is more on its own is the brand identity, which makes up the goals, mission, and names:

View the Kraken Ethos

The Kraken Ethos

A new bonus section evolving as competitions go on is Josh’s Impact Reflections, where I document what I have learned about doing the Impact award

View the Reflections